editorsRobin Berjon <>
Juan Caballero <>
issueslist, new

BDASL extends DASL CIDs with a new hash type that works better for large files but isn't available by default in browsers, and therefore not an appropriate option in most situations.


BDASL extends DASL CIDs by adding BLAKE3 support ([[blake3]). BLAKE3 is a powerful hashing framework that works well for progressive verification of large streams. Unfortunately, it isn't available in browser (and neither is streaming hashing in general) which makes it inappriopriate for inclusion as the primary hash function in DASL CIDs.

It is recommended to avoid using BDASL CIDs in arbitrary open environments, and rather to focus on using such CIDs in specific cases in which participants are likely to know how to handle them.

Parsing BDASL CIDs

All the parsing works the same as for DASL CIDs ([cid]) with one modification.

In the steps to decode a CID, the hash type may also be equal to 0x1e (BLAKE3) ([blake3]).


J-P. Aumasson, S. Neves, J. O'Connor, Z. Wilcox. The BLAKE3 Hashing Framework. July 2024. URL:
Robin Berjon & Juan Caballero. Content IDs (CIDs). 2025-03-17. URL: