DASL — Data-Addressed Structures & Links

What is this?

DASL ("dazzle") is a small set of simple, standard primitives for working with content-addressed, linked data. It builds on content addressing, a proven approach used in Git and IPFS to create reliable content identifiers (known as CIDs) through cryptographic hashing. Content addressing enables robust data integrity checks and efficient networking: systems can verify they received exactly what they asked for and avoid downloading the same content twice. The linked data part lets you link to stuff by its hash. You can build very big graphs with these primitives, such as the graph behind Bluesky.

We call DASL "data-addressed" because it supports a data serialization component that makes content-addressing sweet and easy when working with data. The design is inspired by subcomponents of the IPFS universe, but simplified to improve interoperability, decrease costs, and work well with the web. More specifically, our priorities are:

This is intended to work for the community, to grow support for what we need. If you have thoughts, don't be shy and submit an issue! No stupid questions, don't assume everyone else has context that you don't. If this page isn't enough to understand DASL, then we're the ones who screwed up.


This section describes how to use DASL patterns. It's work in progress!


DASL is a strict subset of IPFS CIDs and IPLD, so existing IPFS and IPLD implementations will just read DASL CIDs and dCBOR42 without so much as a hiccup. Some implementations also specifically target a DASL subset.

Here are some implementations that partially or fully support DASL:


Content Identifiers (CIDs)
CIDs (Content IDs) are identifiers used for addressing resources by their contents, essentially a hash with limited metadata.
Deterministically-serialized CBOR with Tag 42 (dCBOR42)
dCBOR42 is a serialization format that is deterministic (so that the same data will have the same CID) and that features native support for using CIDs as links.
RASL — Retrieval of Arbitrary Structures & Links Early Draft
RASL is a URL scheme used to identify content-addressed DASL resources along with a simple HTTP-based retrieval method.
Content-Addressable aRchives (CAR)
The CAR format offers a serialized representation of set of content-addressed resources in one single concatenated stream, alongside a header that describes that content.
This extends DASL CIDs with a new hash type that works better for large files but isn't available by default in browsers, and therefore not an appropriate option in most situations.
IPFS Interoperability Considerations
DASL components are designed to be small and to the extent possible self-contained. Because of that, despite having roots in IPFS, no DASL component depends on traditional IPFS implementations. In many cases, systems produced to work with DASL will interoperate with IPFS, but DASL's independence means that there can occasionally be impedance mismatch. This document is a non-normative list of things to consider when using DASL with IPFS systems, particularly with ones based on the DHT and Bitswap.